Pioneer Magnetics provides multiple RoHs compliant options to its clients in an effort to support their RoHs product needs while still meeting the RoHs European and RoHs Chinese Directive requirements.
Customers may choose to exercise the lead solder exception of the Directive commonly known as RoHs 5 which allows for the utilization of Tin-lead plating on parts and Hot air solder level (HASL) as a finish on PCBs while maintaining compliance with the RoHs Directive,
Request products which are RoHs 6 compliant. These products do not contain any of the six banned substances (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Pbb, or PBDE) in amounts exceeding the allowable maximum concentrations defined in the RoHs Directive.
Pioneer Magnetics has adopted IPC-1751 “Generic Requirements for Declaration Process Management” and IPC 1752 “Material Declaration Management” which standards to facilitate RoHs material Controls.